Snowing in March

 Čau,čau! Nu ko gan es varu teikt...jau biju tā sapriecājusies,ka šīs dienas mūs lutināja lieliskie laikapstākļi. Es pat atklāju skriešanas sezonu ārā, tā īsti vēl nebija laba doma, jo bija jācīnās ar ledus paliekām uz asfalta, bet visu atspēkoja tā sajūta, kad esi saelpojies svaigu gaisu. Sajūtas vienkārši lieliskas. Protams, priecājos,kad mani pamodina pirmie saules stari nevis brēcošs modinātājs...un nevar nepieminēt putniņu čivināšu. Pašai pat brīnums,ka tik ļoti gaidu pavasari, nekad tā nav bijis. Agrāk ticiet, vai nē, es biju ziemas fane, bet tagad varētu mierīgi bez tās iztikt.
Bet tomēr ziema vēl negrib tik vienkārši atkāpties un šodien putināja kā īstā ziemā. Nācās vilkt no skapja ārā pabiezāku vējjaku un apbruņoties ar optimisma devu, ka ziema taču jau dodas projām un tūlīt, tūlīt jau pavasaris būs pašā plaukumā :)

Hello,hello! So, what I can say...I was so happy when these past days were incredible weather. Almost like Spring time. I even run for the 1st time outside. That wasn't brilliant idea because I almost fell down for a few times, damn ice on the roads :D But that feeling after I run few km was just amazing. I felt so fresh, the air was soo good, I just was very happy. Also I'm really happy when sun wokes me up not the alarm clock. I'm surprised about fact that I really wait  Spring . That never happened before. Few years ago I was "winter person" but now I could live without winter, for sure.
But as you can see in the photos ,winter don't want to go away so easily. Today was very "wintery" weather. So I needed to pick up my winter jacket from the closet darkest corner. But I still hope that Spring is right above the corner. :)

(boots-Pēda;jeans,bag-2nd hand;jacket-Anttila;scarf- Sidonas)

What's your opinion?

  1. I am definitely not a winter person, but these pictures look so so beautiful!

  2. You look beautifur! So cool outfit, my dear!
    Have a nice day, kisses ;**


  3. love your coat!!!)and you'er extremely beautiful!
    Love your blog! Hope you'll love mine and follow me!

  4. lovely photos in the snow :)
    you look gorgeous

  5. Nice pics and we havent snoe now. Have a great monday.

  6. Embrace the opportunity to cozy up indoors with a warm blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and a good book or movie while enjoying the snowfall outside.


Thanks for the comments. :)
