
Es tikai vēlējos pateikt,ka šīs brīvdienas mazliet noslinkoju, runājot par blogu, un neiemūžināju savus outfitus, bet apsolos, ka labošos :)
Tuvojoties pavasarīgajam laikam, pamainīju mazliet arī bloga izskatu.
Šeit mēs abi ar Frici sūtam jums gaisa bučas <3 (:

Hello, everybody!
I just wanted to say that this week-end, I was lazy, when we talk about blogging, I didn't toke a photos with my outfits, but I promise I will do it :)
Spring is here, so I changed blog layout a little bit.
So in this photo with Fricis we send you air kisses <3 (:

What's your opinion?

  1. Hi Anete, sure I'd like to follow each other. I'm following you now. Hope you join me too ;)


  2. oh gosh how cute are the both of you;) i adore that picture, i´m a cat lady too! your hair looks amazing!
    of course we can follow each other! i´m already following now;)
    love and kiss,mary


Thanks for the comments. :)
