You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

hi,blog readers!
I t's weird to post this outfit when it's snow outside,haha. We took these pictures few weeks ago, when the weather was very lovely and when leaves still were on the trees. 
I chose to wear my marsala color jacket, this color is very trendy in this season and I absolutely love it. To keep me warm, I added this scarf which Is so huge and soft.

So,today I woke up and was surprised, finally,it was snowing outside. Last week the weather was very windy and rainy, not like it should be on the December, So,I hope this snowy weather will stay for a while. :)

Ir mazliet jocīgi rakstīt šo bloga ierakstu,kad ārā snieg,haha. Šīs bildes tika uzņemtas pirms pāris nedēļām,kad laiks ārā bija ļoti jauks un rudenīgs. Kokus vēl rotāja krāsainās lapas.
Izdomāju uzvilkt savu velveta jaku marsalas krāsā. Starpcitu,šī krāsa ir viena no topkrāsām šajā sezonā. Lai nenosaltu,ap kaklu uzliku tāda paša toņa šalli. Tā ir tik liela un mīksta! :)

Šorīt pamostoties, biju pārsteigta, ārā viss bija apsnidzis balts. Pagājušo nedēļu laikapstākļi noteikti neatgādināja decembrim piemērotu laiku. Tas bija ļoti vējains un lietains. Tā kā ceru,ka šis sniedziņš vēl mazliet uzkavēsies. :)

What's your opinion?

  1. I love this look on you! I think you look great in that marsala jacket <3

  2. So those ripped jeans! :)

  3. Such a great post :)

    New post at

  4. gorgeous, love the colors! xo

  5. I love your outfit and the colours too ; you look so stunning !!! :)

    XO, Melissa's Diary

  6. Tu izskaties tik lieliski, Anet! Tās krāsas <3 Tiešām esi ļoti veiksmīgi sakombinējusi šo tērpu!

  7. i love your style and your hair :)
    amazing blog :)


Thanks for the comments. :)
