Jau kādu laiciņu biju nogurusi no vecā bloga izkārtojuma un dizaina,tāpēc nodomāju,ka beidzot ir laiks ieviest jaunas vēsmas blogā.
I was already tired from old blog design and layout so I thought it's a time for a new,fresh blog design.
Ja apskati manu blogu regulāri,tad noteikti pamanīji,ka pirmā pārmaiņa bija bloga logo izveide. Es vēlējos kaut ko neitrālu,viegli uztveramu un melnbaltu.Tā nu nonācu pie gala rezultāta,ka melnbalts tauriņš ir iesprostots kristāla formas būrītī :D
If you click on my blog regularly,you may notice that first change was my blog logo. I wanted to create smth neutral, basic and with no color. So in the result I created black&white butterfly which is in the diamond shaped cage. :D
Un tad beidzot pie paša bloga jaunā dizaina. Tagad visa sānu josla ar informāciju ir labajā malā,kā vairums blogu.
Bloga augšpusē vari atrast :
OUTFITS- mans stils (izveides procesā)
ABOUT ME: uzzināt mazliet vairāk par mani
CONTACT: ja vēlies uzrakstīt man vēstuli un uzzināt vairāk arī par bloga saturu (statistika,firmas ar kurām esmu sadarbojusies utt.)
WISHLIST: šeit ir lietas,kuras pašlaik vēlos iegādāties,vai sapņoju,ka man tādas kādreiz būs.
And about my blog new design. Now all the information is in the left side,like most of the blogs have.
At top of the blog you can find:
OUTFITS: my style (coming soon)
ABOUT ME: more information about me
CONTACT:if you want to send me e-mail or you want to know more about blog (what kind of blog posts I make, about cooperation's with companies etc.)
WISHLIST: things I want to buy or things which I dream about that someday I will purchase them.
Ir vēl palikuši nelieli sīkumiņi,ko vēlos uzlabot un pievienot,bet pašlaik esmu apmierināta ar bloga jauno izskatu :)
template no : https://gooyaabitemplates.com/
There are some small things that needs to be finished but for now, I really love new blog design. :)
template from : https://gooyaabitemplates.com/
I love it! Stylish just like you!
ReplyDeleteLet us all link up!
Fashion & Lifestyle Blog from the PH
amazing design :)
ReplyDeleteSimple and beautiful :)
awesome new layout
Love it! :)
ReplyDeleteIf someone wants to follow my blog, I'll follow back----> Fashion, Beauty and Style
I love the design its so clean and chic <3