"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming." — Pablo Neruda

 (Shirt-Rosegal; leather jacket- thrifted; bag- Sammydress;sunnies- Reserved; choker- Ebay;jeans-H&M; shoes- Stradivarius)

HELLO,blog readers!

Sveicieni pirmdienā! Ceru,ka aizgājušās brīvdienas pavadīji produktīvi un jauki. :)
Šoreiz "atrādu" Tev kreklu par kuru esmu sajūsmā. Kādu laiciņu atpakaļ jau minēju,ka zili krekli ir mana vājība un to skapī nekad nevar būt par daudz. Šis iekaroja manas simpātijas ar ziedu detaļām,kas pašlaik ir ļoti aktuālas un tās var sastapt visur, pat uz džinsiem.
Kreklu saskaņoju diezgan klasiski- ar melnu apģērbu un aksesuāriem. :)
Kā Tev patīk šis ziedu detaļu trends?

Happy Monday!  I hope your weekend was productive and well spent. :)
This time I'm showing you this gorgeous blue shirt which I absolutely adore. Few weeks ago I mentioned that I have obsession with blue shirts and I think there's never too much of blue shirts. With this piece I fell in love because it has unique flower details which by the way are huge trend right now. You can see them even on jeans.
I paired this shirt with classic details-black clothes and accessories.
Do you like this flower trend?

Don't be a stranger:

What's your opinion?

  1. Love the quote of NEruda. And the shirt is super cute



  2. Great shirt and jacket:) I love this look:)


  3. Really nice look, and i just love that quote in the headline, inspires me a lot xo


  4. Shirt style top is looking perfect inside the jacket...
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  5. I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well written!
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  6. ...and just like a flower, you always bloom so lovely!


Thanks for the comments. :)
