(pants- Michael Kors, coat- F&F, jumper- thrift shop, bag- Mango, watch- Daniel Wellington, )
Hello, blog!
Sveiciens pirmajā outfitpostā šajā gadā, whoop! Šo mēteli nēsāju katru dienu kopš iegādes brīža. pats foršākais laikam ir mēteļa cena- 4,70 eur. Es taču teicu, ka forša! :D
Pašlaik esmu iegrimusi eksāmenos un gatavojos eksāmeniem un eksāmeni un eks....
Jā, mana ikdiena pašlaik paiet datora ekrāna sabiedrībā, gribas jau čīkstēt kā katram studentam, bet mierinu sevi ar domu, ka šī ir pēdējā. Pilnīgi neticami,ka šogad absolvēju Universitāti, iekniebiet man!
Oh, hello, in the 1st outfit post in 2018, whoop! I wear this coat since I got it. The most amazing fact is that I bought it for only 4,70eur. It's amazing as I said.
Right now I have all my final exams at University, I mean a lot of exams.
So all this week I spend with my computer, sometimes it's so annoying and exhausting but I calm down because this year I will graduate from University, it's crazy, pinch me!
That is such a beautiful coat! I hope your exams go well!
Such a cute outfit, I love your coat :)
Nice outfit!!!
Ohhhh that explains why most of your blogs in 2018, you are wearing coat 'coz even your first blog of the year your wearing coat.