
Čau, kā jau jūs nojaušat, šī bilde ir no Galerija centrs street fashion dienām. Arī es nolēmu nofotografēties un par lielu pārsteigumu, es tiku arī finālā. Esmu ļoti patīkami pārsteigta un tajā pat laikā satraukta. Rīt ir pirmā skolas dienas, kas man būs mazliet neparasta, jo uzreiz pēc svinīgās daļas skolā, es skrienu uz autoostu,lai mērotu ceļu uz Rīgu. Sanāks man diena steigā! :D Bet šoreiz es esmu 100% izlēmusi,ka man jābrauc, jo jau pagājušo gadu tiku finālā, tikai ar savu velosipēdu, bet neaizbraucu.
Vēl pēdējās dienas ir notikušas dažas neiepriecinošas lietas. Jau kādu laiku esmu palikusi bez savām brillēm un nu nevaru vairs kvalitatīvi paskatīties televizoru,jo vienkārši viss ir mazliet miglains. Vēl šodien fotografējot savu māsu, es nometu zemē savu fotoaparātu. Rezultātā sadauzīju objektīvu, un tagad fotoaparāts ir nelietojams. Tas diemžēl nozīmē,ka nevarēšu fotografēt savus outfitus. Nu , lūk, sakrājās man te dažas problēmas, bet ar nelielu optimisma devu teikšu,ka viss būs labi :))

Hi, as you may notice, this photos is from "Galerija centrs street fashion week". Yes, I wanted to take a photo, too. Surprising, I reached the final.I'm very surprised, happy and a little bit worried. Tomorrow is first day of school and it will be pretty unusual for me, because after formal part will run to bus station and go to Riga. But this time I know 100% - I have to go, because, last year I did made it to final too, but didn't go to Riga. Yes, tomorrow will be busy day for me! :D 
Also these few past days were unlucky for me. Few days ago somewhere I lost my glasses. now I can't watch TV normally, because all looks a little bit blurry. I hate it :@ And guess what, today when I took a photos with my sister, I dropped my camera to the asphalt and ruined the objective. That means- I can't take  a photos with my outfits. 
But overall, I hope that everything will be fine. :))

What's your opinion?

  1. Sure, we can follow each other! I follow you now at GFC and waiting for your follow.

    Best wishes Kristina
    from Fashion-Beauty-by-Kristina

  2. I absolutely adore that leopard Mulberry bag! So cute! I'm sorry about your glasses and your camera, but chin up! Things will get better :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  3. You look beautiful! Please check out my blog at www.loveolia.com! Would love if you'd follow!

  4. I like your bag. Great day.


  5. Lovely post. Follow for follow?


  6. Gorgeous outfit :)
    Thanks for your comment, Yes I'd love to follow each other, just let me know when you follow me and I\ll follow you right back :)



Thanks for the comments. :)
