What's in my bag?

Šajā postā vēlējos parādīt savas somas saturu. Tātad šo parasti es nēsāju somā,kad eju uz skolu. Šoreiz soma,kuru izmantoju ir Mulberry.  Man tā patīk tās apdruka, vienkārši dievinu (:

 In this post I wanted to show you, what I carry with me basically every day. So currently, I'm using this bag. I just love it. It's from Mulberry.

 Tieši tajā reizē,kad fotografēju bildes, man bija jāņem līdzi uz skolu maz grāmatu un kladu. Tātad jūs varat redzēt manu plānotāju, zīmējumu kladi un mājasdarbu angļu valodā :D

So at this day,I had really small amount with books and notebooks. You can see my planner, drawing book and some home works.
 Šeit jau sākas visādas "random"  lietas: pūderis, maks, penālis, šokolāde un AVON katalogs 

Here is some random things. My pencil case, powder, wallet, AVON catalog, glasses case, chocolate.
un, protams, vēl vairāk "random" lietu :D Mans telefons, somas turētājs, atslēgas, lūpukrāsas, košlenes, salvetes utt.

and more random things. My phone, keys, lip balm, hair product, tissues, gum, powder brush etc.

Es somas mainu diezgan bieži. Vienmēr mēģinu somas saturu uzturēt kārtībā un nenēsāt neko lieku,lai somu nepadarītu smagāku. Vēl es nēsāju līdzi arī ūdens pudeli, jo man vienmēr gribas dzert gāzētu ūdeni.

I change my purses very rarely. I always try to keep it clean and I try to keep a water bottle with me, because I always want to drink a water.

What's your opinion?

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your bag - so pretty, the print!!
    I also carry my planner with me everywhere - I seriously feel lost without it haha

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  2. totally in love with your bag :)


  3. Lovely bag! I love your blog.

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: http://spiked-soul.blogspot.com/ :)
    Have a nice day!


  4. What a gorgeous bag! Such a fun post!

  5. love your blog! you look like a model!
    if you like we can folloew each other!

  6. great blog dear...

    do u wanna follow each other?

  7. I love 'what's in my bag' posts :P and you have nice
    stuff! Xx

  8. "whats in my bag" or "whats inside her bag" or "what in the bag" is one of my favorite posts of all time, somehow it shows someones personality. great content and great bag of yours!


Thanks for the comments. :)
