October favorites

 I know it's a little bit late for October favorites. But I don't care, I wanted to show you them anyway. (:

  1. Hair balsam with peonies extract. (makes my hair very silky and shiny, I was surprised how good is this conditioner)
  2. AVON redness corrector. (green color) I really like the result when I apply it on my rednesses. It makes difference 
  3. Green tee oil (I just love it, no comments :D )
  4. Essence gel-look topcoat (Makes my nails very shiny)
  5. Oriflame body lotion (lovely scent and very light consistence, love it)
  6. AVON lip balm with vanilla, love it
  7. Gloves with fingertips which reacts to my phone ( ughh, I can't explain, but you got it :D )
  8. Scarf, love the print!
  9. AVON nail polish- green midnight, reminds me Christmas tree :D

  1.  Matu balzāms ar peoniju ekstraktu. (matiem piešķir spīdumu un tie ir gludi, es pat biju pārsteigta par rezultātu)
  2. AVON apsārtumu korektors (zaļā krāsā) Tiešām ir pamanāma atšķirība,kad es to uzklāju uz sejas, apsārtumi ir mazāk redzami
  3. Tējas koka eļļa (absolūta fane, bez komentāriem :D )
  4. Essence gel-look nagu laka ar gēla efektu ( padara nagus ļoti spīdīgus)
  5. Oriflame daudzfunkcionāls krēms ( vieglas konsistences, patīkams aromāts, ļoti patika)
  6. AVON lūpu balzams ar vaniļu, labs aromāts
  7. Cimdi,kas reaģē uz skārienjutīgiem telefoniem, lieliski,kad negribas saldēt rokas
  8. Šalle, ļoti patīk tās raksts
  9. AVON nagu laka green midnight, atgādina Ziemassvētku eglīti :)

What's your opinion?

  1. Great stuff!!! I followed you!! Kisses!!


  2. Such a gloves are a must have, I have ones in black :) great stuff, though)


  3. Nice nails. Have a great day.


  4. I like the color of nails :)
    visit my blog

  5. Man ļoti patīk tās šalles raksts- ļoti modīgs! :)
    Tieši nupat pasūtīju melnbaltu džemperi ar šādu rakstu, nevaru sagaidīt kad to saņemšu! :)]


  6. Понравилась шапка блога, оглавление на английском, но как только пролистала вниз.. Мама дорогая! Эйвон, российский бальзам какой-то, ну ..колхоз. Ну не позорилась бы ))) И фотографии с некрасивым бэкстейджем.
    Не надо так :(

    1. Thank you for your opinion.
      I'm 17 years old, I don't earn my own money, I live with my parents. For me, high-end cosmetic is a little bit luxury which is unnecesaary for me (right now). Maybe, in future when I will live by myself and I will work, I can afford more expensive cosmetic.
      Honestly, I'm not that type of person who spends a lot of money for cosmetic products, I better buy quality shoes (:

  7. Tumsi zala nagulaka izskatas briniskigi. Nevienu no produktiem neesmu lietojusi pati. Salle ir briniskiga un noteikti ir glabusi aukstajos vejos un lietos.

    xoxo Ra



Thanks for the comments. :)
