5 Awesome moments #3

Halloween party at the work

I decided what I want to be last minute. :D  I was smth like bloody fairy, very simple outfit but I loved it. The night was soo funny, I really enjoyed that night.

Helovīna ballīte darbā

Savu Helovīna tērpu izdomāju pēdējā brīdī. Biju kkas līdzīgs laumiņai kas ēd un raud asinis. Koptēls man bija diezgan vienkāršs,bet man patika. Kopumā nakts bija jautra, man patika :D

Met my friend Elmira

We wanted to meet each other for a long time and finally we did it. The night before Halloween party and during the party. It was nice to catch up  latest gossips etc. 

Also at the background you can see the scar which my sister made, it was very realistic. Looked very effective! :D

Satiku savu draudzeni Elmīru

Satikties mēs gribējām jau sen,bet visu laiku nesanāca laiks. Beidzot satikāmies, dienu pirms Helovīnballītes un arī ballītes laikā. Bija tiešām jauki beidzot satikties un izrunāties par visu

Vēl fonā var redzēt rētu,kuru māsa uztaisīja priekš mana tēla, vispār izskatījās diezgan reālistiski :D

Enjoyed life.

Hahha, sounds cheesy but I found a time for myself, oh it feels so good :) Of course all the week-end I draw for anatomy but still managed to relax. Got my nails done, I looove the design, went for a walk (you can see that it was rainy walk :D )

Izbaudīju dzīvi

hahaha, izklausās banāli,bet tiešām es atradu laiku tikai sev. Jūtos lieliski. Protams,bez anatomijas mājasdarbiem nespēju iztikt,bet kopumā atradu laiku,lai atpūstos. Vēl ieguvu jaunu nagu dizainu,ļoti patīk :) Vēl pastaigājos, bildē var redzēt,ka pastaiga izvērtās lietaina :D

We went to the billiard game. 

A the photos  you can see that we tried to take a selfie wit the painting at the background, didn't really worked. :D

Apmeklējām biljarda spēli.

Gribējām sataisīt bildes ar fonā esošo gleznu,hmm,laikam neizdevās :D

Spent time with my friends

As you already know, I live with these 2 adorable girls Egija and Santa. I always really enjoy to spend time with them.

Pavadīju laiku ar draudzenēm

Jūs jau noteikti esat pamanījuši,ka dzīvoju kopā ar Egiju un Santu. Es vienmēr izbaudu to laiku,kuru pavadu ar viņām. Vienmēr sirsnīgi izrunājamies un izsmejamies :D

What's your opinion?

  1. Nice :)
    New post on my blog:

  2. Great photos:) You look nice Sweetheart:)


  3. Wow! the make up in the neck looks so real! for a second I believed it was a real wound haha


Thanks for the comments. :)
