5 minutes wavy hair look


Dažreiz es saņemu jautājumus par to vai mani mati ir dabiski lokaini un kā es iegūstu vaļīgas lokas. Tāpēc šoreiz nolēmu jums parādīt kā es tos ieveidoju,kad man nav daudz laika,vai vienkārši ir slinkums lokot matus pa šķipsnām.
Un atbilde uz jautājumu vai mani mati ir dabiski lokaini- Jā, un papildus lokas es iegūstu pēc matu mazgāšanas,kad tos mitrus sarullēju copē un atstāju izžūt.

Sometimes I got question about my hair, is my hair naturally wavy,how I curl them etc. So,I decided to show you this quick and easy hair tutorial,how I create loose waves when I'm in rush or I'm just lazy.
And answer to the question- is my hair naturally wavy- Yes and to get more waves after I wash my hair,  I put them in the bun and leave till hair are dry.

Lai izveidotu šādas lokas tev būs nepieciešams:
To create this look, you will need:

  • matu putas,es izmantoju Loreal\ hair mousse, I used Loreal
  • matu laku, es izmantoju got2b no Schwarzkopf\ hair spray, I used got2b from Schwarzkopf
  • matu gumiju\ hair tie
  • lokšķēres\ curling iron

  • sasien matus zirgastē\make a ponytail
  • tad ņem nelielas matu šķipsnas un "saloko"\than take thin pieces of hair and curl them

  • kad visi mati ir salokoti, izmanto matu laku,lai nostiprinātu matu lokas\ when all hair is curly, use some hairspray to set them in place
  • tad izveido copi un nostiprini to izmantojot matulaku\ than create a bun and again use a little bit of hairspray

  • ir laiks kafijai,heh :D Atstāj copi uz,apmēram, 15-20 minūtēm \it's time for the coffee,hah :D Leave your bun to "cool down" for 15-20 minutes

  • ir laiks, izņemt matu gumiju un tas arī viss. Mazliet "sakārto" lokas, piešķir apjomu, tas nav obligāti,bet vari izmantot vēl mazliet matu lakas, vai kādu tekstūrpiešķirošu līdzekli\now it's time to take off the hair tie, play around with your hair to get complete look. It's optional but you can use more hairspray, textures spray or shine spray.

Un šādi izskatās mani mati, to salokošana man aizņēma mazāk kā 10 minūtes (neņemot vērā kafijas paauzi :D )
And the final look, this took me less than 10 minutes (I didn't count coffee break :D)

Jauku svētdienu,bloga lasītāji! :)
Have a nice Sunday,folks! :)

check out 5 minutes make up look HERE
don't miss my Summer shoes wishlist HERE



What's your opinion?

  1. very cute (:#

  2. Thanks for sharing this tutorial


  3. Lovely tutorial, love waves in the summer xoxo


  4. Simple, but very cool idea!


  5. Your hair is perfect, I love this hairstyle! And oh, the GIF you made is so cute too! xox

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  6. This post is so useful! I'm definitely going to try this



Thanks for the comments. :)
