"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." | Daniel Wellington

With this code ANETE you can purchase any watch with 15% off. How cool is that?

You can introduce yourself with this gorgeous watch- here

(blouse- New chic; jeans- Bershka; shoes- Zara; watch- Daniel Wellington; earrings- H&M; bag- Monton; leather jacket- thrifted)

Hello,lovely blog readers!

Woah,mazliet daudz fotogrāfiju,ko gan padarīt,ja nespēju izvēlēties tikai dažas...
Šo blūzi saņēmu pavisam nesen un esmu sajūsmā par balonveida piedurknēm. Pavasara/vasaras must have! Koptēlu ieturēju diezgan vienkāršu,jo tajā dienā daudz pastaigājos un vēlējos justies ērti.

Šonedēļ izbaudu atpūtu no universitātes. Jūtos tiešām enerģijas pilna un atpūtusies, laiciņš arī patīkami lutina. Beidzot varu pavadīt laiku pastaigājoties, esot ārpus iekštelpām un prom no datora ekrāna. Eh, varētu vēl vienu brīvu nedēļu...


Woah, a lot of photos, I know, I know, but what can I do when I can't choose just some of them...
Recently I received this blouse and I'm in love with balloon sleeves. Spring/summer must-have. This look I kept quit casual because I did a lot of walking and wanted to feel comfortable.

This week I'm free from University, I enjoy my holidays. I feel energized, relaxed and calm, also the weather finally is perfect.  I can enjoy the weather being outside, away from my computer screen. Eh, I want another free week from all the stressful things.


Don't be a stranger:

What's your opinion?

  1. Very cute and trendy combo!


  2. Beautiful watch Annette!



  3. Stylish outfit! Lovely photos! Would you like to follow each other?
    Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I'll follow you back!

  4. Pretty watch :)



Thanks for the comments. :)
