"Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace."

(jacket- Ralph Lauren; shirt- Newchic; pants- Zara, bag- Sammy dress, boots- E.Sandarelli, watch- Daniel Wellington; earrings- Ebay)

Hello, blog readers!

Šodiena lutināja ar siltumu un lieliskajiem laikapstākļiem, tādā laikā vienkārši ir grēks palikt mājās. Šodien mazliet pastaigājos pa Cēsu skaistajām ieliņām (sapratu,ka mans mētelis ir ļoti par biezu), apmeklēju Kristīnes Luīzes Avotiņas izstādi Cēsu izstāšu namā, agh, viņa ir viena no manām mīļākajām latviešu māksliniecēm tāpēc izstāde mani pozitīvi uzlādēja. 
Vēlāk izdomāju pārģērbties, uzvelkot kaut ko plānāku, nolēmu ka šī velveta jaka būs lieliski piemērota, starpcitu, velvets, ir šīs sezonas must-have
Mazliet amizanti bija,kad izkāpu no mašīnas, lai uzņemtu bildes, man lielā ātrumā tuvojās attēlos redzamais kaķis un sāka uzbāzīgi glausties un mīļoties. Man laikam ir kaķu tantes gēns,jo es mēdzu pievilkt kaķus, vai arī man vienkārši ir daudz enerģijas caurumu...


Today the weather was perfect, it would be a shame to stay indoors. So, I decided to went for a walk in beautiful streets of Cesis, also I visited an art exhibition where I saw Kristine Luize Avotina paintings. She is one of my favorite Latvian artists so I was very excited to see all the paintings.
Later I decided to change my outfit because it was so warm, my choice was this corduroy jacket, which by the way is must-have in this season.
Funny story. As soon as I got out from car this cat run to me and started  show his love. I think in my soul I'm a huge cat lady and that's why he payed attention to me or I just have huge energetic holes... my 

What's your opinion?

  1. Love this look, jacket is so nice xo


  2. the colours are matching perfectly to you.

    xo. thuy | RubyliXious

  3. You look really great! The bag is so classy!

  4. Jā, velvets šobrīd ir ļoti topā. Jauka jaciņa rudenim tik aktuālajā tonī!


  5. You have such a nice blog with very good content. New follower here!


Thanks for the comments. :)
