Hi, there

I always wanted personalized pendant necklace with my name and it was hard to find the perfect one. I was over the moon when I received this one from O necklace. It came in cute box, with certificate that it's 24k gold plated. This jewelry piece definitely will be one of my favorite!

Vienmēr esmu vēlējusies kaklarotu ar savu vārdu, bet nekur nevarēju atrast tādu, kura tiešām patiktu. Es biju pārlaimīga, kad saņēmu šo kaklarotu no O necklace. Tā bija skaisti iesaiņota kastītē, ar sertifikātu kas apliecina, ka tā ir apzeltīta ar 24K zeltu. Es jau tagad droši varu apgalvot, ka šo kaklarotu nēsāšu katru dienu.

(T- shirt- Sheinside, jeans- Bershka, coat- Rosegal, shoes- Danija, necklace- O necklace)

Hi, there!

Yes, I update this blog very rarely. I won't tell you 101 time that I'm busy because I think I complain about that every time I post smth on my blog. Still studying, still creating design for Dr.Hauschka Latvia (beauty brand). 
Than I decided I want to do smth new and got a new job, not really in my specialty but I really love it. I won't tell you more because I work there just a little bit more than a week. Will see how it goes.
Now my day starts at 6:20 and ends at 20:00. It's not easy, it's really not easy, hopefully I will manage everything and will find time for my hobbies. Now my hobby is Bachelor's thesis...


Jā, blogs pašreiz tiek "apdeitots" daudz retāk nekā ierasti. Bet nestāstīšu simtu pirmo reizi cik aizņemta esmu, jo man šķiet, rakstu to katru reizi :D. Joprojām studēju, cīnos ar bakalauru, veidoju dizainu Dr.Hauschka kosmētikas zīmolam Latvijā un izdomāju kāpēc gan nepasākt vēl kaut ko jaunu. Tā nu sāku strādāt mazliet ne savā jomā. Pašlaik nestāstīšu sīkāk, jo strādāju tur neilgi. Tagad mans dienas ritms sākas 6:20 un noslēdzas 20:00. Nav viegli, bet man patīk, cerams,ka pietiks laika atpūtai un kādam hobijam, jo pašlaik mans hobijs ir bakalaurs...

What's your opinion?

  1. Super cute coat. We are get busy.


  2. This is really stylish; I especially love the floral blazer! Very chic!

  3. As usual, a lovely post! P.s. the outfit is gorgeous.

  4. Red lipstick really looks good on you and by the way nice floral coat.

  5. I love your style as always. Looking so chic on that floral blazer.


Thanks for the comments. :)
