hello, blog!

Kā jau ierasts vēlējos Tev parādīt mazu daļu mirkļu, kurus noķēru janvārī. Var jau nojaust, ka pārsvarā fotografēju Mellu, debesis un ēdienu. :D

As usual, I wanted to share with you some moments from January. You can see, I mostly take photos with Mella, sunsets and food. :D

 what I did in January?

  • mēģināju ēst mazāk saldumu (vispār man tas sanāca diezgan labi) // tried to eat less sweets ( actually, I did it quit well)
  • sāku strādāt kopdarbes telpā, jo biju nogurusi strādāt no mājām / started to work at the office ( I rent place where I can work because I got tired working from home)
  • apmeklēju teātri // went to the theathre
  • satiku sen neredzētas draudzenes un apciemoju savu ģimeni // met my friends and family
  • iepirkos, daudz, agh, tās izpārdošanas mani savaņģoja :D :( // did a lot of shopping ( those sales were crazy!)

What's your opinion?

Thanks for the comments. :)
