
Kurš teica, ka sievietes nespēj darīt vairākus darbus vienlaikus? :) Paralēli bloga posta rakstīšanai es jūsmoju par EČ Daiļslidošanā. Eh, tas man tāds neizsapņotais bērnības sapnis. Kādreiz gribēju kļūt par daiļslidotāju, bet diemžēl, es šim sporta veidam esmu galīgi garām. Neesmu īpaši lokana un vispār, mans augums neatbilst daiļslidošanai. :D Bet vismaz dažas reizes gadā man ir iespēja jūsmot un apbrīnot šī sporta veida pārstāvjus.
Atkal esmu mazliet apslimusi, tāpēc nevaru uzņemt jaunas outfitbildes, jo vienkārši nesanāktu tāda bilde, kurā es nešķaudītu :D
Tāpēc postoju, mazliet vecākas bildes. Kaut kad sen žurnālā JOY ieraudzīju Ketijas Dombrovskas fotosesiju un izdomāju nošpikot ideju. Aizņēmos no māsas brilles un lūk rezultāts!

Who said that women can't do more than 2 things at the same time? :D When I wrote this post I also watched and adored EC in figure skating. Eh, I just adore figure skating since I was a child. Back in childhood I wanted to be a figure skater but unfortunately  this sport is not for me because my body type isn't suitable for figure skating :D But I can watch this sport few times in the year. So that's a good thing.
Again, I'm a little bit ill,so I can't take a photos with my outfits. That's not impossible because I sneeze all the time :D
So I decided to show you some photos which is taken a while ago. I saw a photoshoot with Latvian celebrity and decided to recreate it. I borrowed glasses from my sister and there's a result. :)

What's your opinion?

  1. the shirt looks great with the cardigan! and cute bow!

  2. Tā bantīte- tauriņš tik mīlīgi izskatās! Un veseļojies! (:


  3. I love the glasses on you :) and that bag... :3

  4. Nice look and lovely bag!
    P.S.: Would you like to follow each other?


Thanks for the comments. :)
