Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. Walt Whitman

Sveiki, bloga lasītāji!
Viena lieta,ko es vienkārši ienīstu, ir tas,ka man tik viegli piemetas iesnas. Vakar atkal biju vienkārši nomocīta no iesnām tāpēc arī šis bloga posts top tikai šodien.
Jūs jau noteikti esat pamanījuši, ka man ļoti patīk fotografēties dabā,arī šī reize nav izņēmums. Šo vietu atradu,kad braukājos ar riteni un man tā iepatikās. Šī vieta ir lieliska, lai vienkārši pasēdētu un padomātu.

Hello, blog readers!
One thing which I absolutely hate is that I got sneeze very, very easily. Yesterday, again I was completely week and sneezing all the time. So that's why, this blog post "came" only today.
As you may notice, i like to take a pictures in nature, and this time isn't exception. This place I found when I ride with my bike. I just love it. It's great place for thinking and relaxing.

What's your opinion?

Thanks for the comments. :)
