5 Awesome moments #2

Still enjoying the Fall time

I can't explain in words,how much I love nature in the Fall. Everything looks so incredible. 
Last week-end I went to Riga to catch some nature beauty in the parks. Oh, it was lovely walk. :)

Ran 'half and hour run'

In my city every year has a race called ''half and hour run''. Basically, you run 30minutes through the wood at the evening,everywhere is lanterns so we can see where we need to run. There is I guess 10 races every Thursday till Christmas. I think it's a brilliant chance to be in shape during the Fall. Also my sister and hers friend participated.

Discovered new cafe

With my friends decided to go for a lunch break to new place. With GPS help, we found this cute place called "Imbir". In the interior are Scandinavian design elements which I absolutely adore! Also they mostly offer different kind of pancakes and of course coffee. Perfection, because I love pancakes! :)

Dyed my hair light pink

One evening I decided that I want to dye my hair light pink, I was scared to use hair color so instead of it, I used color tonic. I really love the result and you will see it too in my upcoming blog posts!

Found a time for myself

As I said in my previous posts, I started to feel very tired from everything, like I always was in rush and also I couldn't fall asleep. Finally, one day I did nothing, just chilled, it was perfect time for myself. Now I'm full of energy and ready for the new week.

What's your opinion?

  1. The pancakes look great

  2. Great post!


  3. Vai tik pirmajās bildēs nav mana dzimtā puse - Āgenskalns? :) Vienmēr ir priecējusi tā aleja pie Uzvaras pieminekļa - rudenī tik ļoti skaisti izskatās! :)


    1. Jā,Tev ir taisnība :D Tur tiešā pašlaik izskatās pasakaini skaisti! :)

  4. Great post, really nice:)


  5. Looks so cool :)

    New post at



Thanks for the comments. :)
