My desk area


Šoreiz vēlos padalīties ar vietu,kur pavadu pat pārāk daudz laika-savu galdu. Man svarīgi,lai viss nepieciešamais ir pa rokai,jo bieži vien esmu haotiska un daru vairākus darbus vienlaicīgi (ēdu,zīmēju,strādāju pie datora utt). Galds man ir diezgan mazs,bet man patīk. :)
This time I wanted to share with you space where I spend way too much time-my desk. For me,it's important that all the things are right next to me because sometimes I'm chaotic and do multitasking (eat,draw,do some work on computer etc.). My desk is quite small but I really love it. :)

Uz galda parasti stāv mans dators,telefons,plānotājs un daudz pierakstītu līmlapiņu ar neizdarītajiem darbiem,idejām un citātiem. 

Usually on my desk are computer, planner and a lot of sticky notes where I write all my tasks, ideas and some inspiration quotes.

Kā tad neiztikt bez ēdiena? :D 
Of course, food... :D

Jau sen uz galda gribēju koka ripu,paldies brālēnam kurš man tādu sagādāja.Uz tās stāv trauks ar visu nepieciešamo- otas,flomasteri,marķieri,zīmuļi utt.

I wanted so badly a wooden puck thanks to my cousin who gave this one.There I put all my stationary things- brushes, pens, markers, pencils etc.

Mazajā trauciņā parasti stāv visādi nieciņi,lai nemētātos apkārt pa galdu,parasti tās ir dzēšgumijas,spraudītes,līmlentes.

In this small cup I have all my junks to keep desk clean. Usually there are earasers, clips and tapes.

Krāju matrojškas un šo pildspalvu tētis atveda no Krievijas.

I collect matryoshka's so this pen my dad brought from Russia.

Šis ananāsa formas trauks ir svece,tādu vēlējos jau ļoti sen un beidzot tādu atradu par nieka 3 Eiro. 
This pineaple shaped thing actually is candle. I wanted to buy something like this for ages and finally found one for 3 Euros.

Šī ir īsta maijvabole,kuru nopūtu ar zelta krāsu un pielīmēju pie kastītes. Nē,es viņu nenogalināju (man viss kārtībā :D ),vienkārši atradu viņu bēniņos. 

This is real cockchafer which I sprayed with gold paint and glued onto box. No,I didn't kill it ( I'm normal :D ), I just found it like this in my loft.

Šo svečturi atradu par nieka 1,50 Eiro lietoto preču veikalā.  

This candle holder I found at the thrift store for only 1,50 Euros.

Kādas lietas Tev atrodas uz galda? :) 
What do you keep on your desk? :) 


What's your opinion?

  1. Your desk looks great, you decorated it so wonderful!

  2. really cute desk area!

    i love your blog! You have a new follower :)


  3. it look so great! I like the cockchafer even I do not like insect at all, but this is great idea! What if we follow each other? Let me know, sweetie! xx ♥

    Simona | l i v e i n f o x w o r l d

  4. Desks may be of various types depending on what use they are put to. There can be study desks, office desks, children's desks, and computer desks.

  5. Create an inspiration board or mood board on a wall near your desk with quotes, images, or goals that motivate and inspire you.


Thanks for the comments. :)
