
 earrings- Zaful; hat- Primark, bag- Mango, coat,gloves,boots- thrifted; scarf- Promod

Hello,blog readers!
Šīs bildes tika uzņemtas vēl pagājuša gada nogalē,kad  zemi vēl nebija noklājusi bieza sniega kārta.Šodien termometra stabiņš noslīdēja līdz -25 grādiem, šausmas. Esmu aukstuma nīdēja un man prieku neizraisa ne sniegs, ne aukstums. Ļoti ceru,ka aukstums drīz pāries un es varēšu uzturēties ārā ilgāk par 30 minūtēm.Pašlaik gatavojos universitātes eksāmeniem tāpēc "postoju" mazliet retāk,visu dienu aizņem darbi priekš skolas. Drīz varēšu uzelpot un biežāk pievērsties blogam! :)

These pictures we took last year when there was more like Fall weather.
Now our weather changed and today we had -25C degrees,it's crazy!! I hate cold weather and snow doesn't make me happy. I really hope that the weather will get warmer soon because I want to go outside for more than 30 minutes.
Right now I have all my final exams and I'm so busy with finishing all my drawings,paintings and other school works. Next week it will be over and I will do more posts for my blog! :)

What's your opinion?

  1. loving this Beautiful look

  2. Beautiful look!
    I love the details too, the watch and the gloves
    Nice location

    Happy Sunday
    I moved to Wordpress: click here for my latest post
    Kisses, Isabelle

  3. Really nice look, brown and black are great in combination together. Nice photos too xoxo

  4. Lovely look Anete!


  5. You look amazing and the background is so beautiful :)



Thanks for the comments. :)
