"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner." | Sheinside

(top- Sheinside; jeans- Michael Kors, sunnies- Rosewholesale; jewelry- no brand; bag- Sammydress; shoes- Tamaris)

Hello, blog leaders!

Šosezon esmu iemīļojusi sarkanos un baltos krāsu toņus. Šis koptēls man ļoti patīk,jo tas ir ērts, mīļākajos toņos un piemērots saulainai dienai. 

Vēlējos pieminēt tik aktuālo vasaras tematu- laikapstākļus. Esmu vienīgā kas vēl nav atklājusi peldēšanās sezonu? Ārā laiks ir tik mainīgs, ka nevaru paredzēt ko uzvilkt,kur nu vēl aizbraukt uz ezeru nopeldēties. Ak, es tiešām ļoti ceru,ka laiks kļūs labāks un es varēšu nosauļoties, ja godīgi, brūnāka biju ziemas mēnešos. :D


In this season I'm really into red and white shades. I really love this look because it has both of the shades and also it's suitable for sunny days.

I wanted to mention very popular topic- the weather. Am I the only one who still doesn't open swim season? The weather outside is so changeable that I can't even decide what to wear, how can I plan when I can go to the lake. Eh, I really hope that the weather will get better and I will get tan, honestly, I was more tan in Winter than I'm now. :D

Don't be a stranger:

What's your opinion?

  1. aww super cute as always ^^

    there's a give away happening on my blog! don't forget to enter ^^
    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

  2. You look really sunny and optimistic in these photos

  3. You look fantastic:) beautiful outfit:)

  4. Lovely outfit. :)
    I love white for summer.
    Have a great day!
    Xoxo, Victoria


  5. Great outfit! Love the colors combination!


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Thanks for the comments. :)
