Life update


Mazliet biju nozudusi tāpēc parādīšu ko pa šo laiku esmu iemūžinājusi.
I was away from blogging for almost a month so I wanted to show you some snapshots which I took during this time.

ar Minniju/ uzgleznoju draudzenei liliju/ es un balta siena/
šajā sezonā esmu iemīlējusi sarkano krāsu/uzcepu siera kūku/ bloggeru pasākumā/
pašiņš universitātes spogulī/ es un mans Robis/ burbuļvafeles

with cutie pie Minniya/ did some artwork for my friend/just me and white wall
/in this season I'm in love with red color/ made a cheescake/ at the bloggers event
selfie at the University/ me and my love Robis/ bubble waffles

izdomāju apēst arī kko veselīgu/ kad smīdina salāti/ māsīcas izlaidumā/
mājas ballīte ar radiem, draugiem/ jogurta kūciņa/pašiņš/
Polhem "šovrūmā"/NYX ballītē/ superlaba zupa

wanted to smth healthy :D/ when your salads is way too funny/ at my cousin's graduation/
lovely party with my relatives/ yummy yogurt cake/ selfie
at the Polhem showroom/ at the NYX party/ yummy soup

Don't be a stranger:

What's your opinion?

Thanks for the comments. :)
