I love cats, I have 2 lovely ones\ Mīlu kaķus, man ir 2- īsti mīļumiņi
 I love to watch movies when there plays Jason Statham\ Ļoti patīk skatīties filmas ar Džeisonu Stethemu :D
  When I was a child, I was like a tomboy ( I climbed on trees, played football with boys etc.)\ Kad biju maziņa, līdzinājos zēnam (kāpu kokos, ar puišiem spēlēju futbolu)
 I'm 178cm tall\ Esmu 178cm gara
 I'm left handed\Esmu kreile


Today I wanted to make a post about me. That means I will write 5 random facts about me. 
Tell me in comments one fact about yourself :) I think it would be very interesting.


Šoreiz vēlējos izveidot šāda veida "postu"- 5 nejauši izvēlēti fakti par mani. Tos atradīsi zem fotogrāfijām. 
Uzraksti komentāros  arī vienu faktu par sevi, manuprāt, tas būtu ļoti interesanti. :)

What's your opinion?

  1. So cute sweatshirt. 1. I love cats too, 2. I have cat as well, her name is Tigra, 3. I'm 164cm 4. I love making jewelry 5. I love to smile and I love when people are smiling.

    Wonderful post. You look lovely as always.

    xoxo Ra


  2. Nice pictures dear! :)
    One fact about me: ... ehm ... I have to ask my pink unicorn Fluffy...
    xx Maria


  3. Awesome look! Love your blouse!

  4. love your top!
    great outfit


Thanks for the comments. :)
