I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it. Marilyn Monroe Part I

(shoes- Cellbes.lv;shirt- Only; top,clutch-2nd hand;earrings- Golden lady)

Hello,lovely blog readers!

I didn't post anything  few days,that's because I feel like in Summer time. The weather is soooooo warm,I can wear skirts,shorts and all my colorful Summer clothes. It's crazy!! Today I run and I was wearing shorts and T-shirt. Omg, I can't believe that it is so hot right now. I'm in really great mood.
All these free days I spent with my family and boyfriend. We celebrated Easter (by the way,how many eggs did you ate? :D), I was sucker, I ate only 2 :D. So also I went to the country-side to clean up my grandpas garden, now everything looks clean and beautiful- perfect for barbeque's season.
When I met my boyfriend,we decided to take some photos. I was wearing my new skirt which I got in clothes swap form my friend. Wearing them I felt very girly. As usual, we took more than 100 photos, so stay tuned for part II :)

Sveiciens,foršajiem bloga lasītājiem!

Neko nepostoju pāris dienas,jo tiešām sajutos kā vasarā. Laiks ārā ir tiiiiiik silts, es beidzot varu vilkt šortus, svārkus un visas pārējās krāsainās drēbes. Tas ir neticami!! Šodien devos skriet, uzvilkusi biju šortus un maiciņu. Tiešām tik grūti noticēt,ka ir tik karsti, tas arī ir iemesls,ka esmu lieliskā noskaņojumā!
Visas Å¡Ä«s brÄ«vās dienas pavadÄ«ju ar savu puisi un Ä£imeni. Svinējām Lieldienas (starpcitu,cik olas tu apēdi? :D), es tikai 2 (noÅŸÄ“lojami). Vēl vienu dienu devāmies uz laukiem,lai sakoptu vectēva dārzu, tagad viss izskatās tik tÄ«rs un skaists-perfekti,lai atklāti Å¡aÅ¡liku sezonu :D
Kad satikos ar Denu (manu puisi), izdomājām,ka vajag mani pafočēt (nu,labi,es izdomāju :D). Biju uzvilkusi Å¡os svārciņus,kurus ieguvu nesen no savas draudzenes. Tos uzvelkot, jÅ«tos ÄŒoti sieviÅ¡Ä·Ä«gi. Kā jau parasti,nofotografējām vairāk kā 100 bildes, tāpēc gaidi arÄ« 2. daÄŒu :)

What's your opinion?

  1. Love that outfit dear, skirt specially!

    Check out my latest posts on Venoma's fashion diary
    XoXo Venoma

  2. Lovely Post! Really like your Outfit :)
    Follow your blog now..

    Liebe GrÌße Ina von ELLE

  3. you should smile more. (: lovely pictures.

  4. Just followed you and hope you follow back!! Cute outfit

    My Lyfe ; My Story
    @MyLyfeMyStory ♥ ♥

  5. pretty nice blog, following :)

  6. Such an adorable outfit! Love your smile too! chic <3

    New Post: Double Shirts
    xx, Claire from Vancouver, Canada

  7. Lookin so hot. Love ur top, ur skirt, ur clutch everything.
    Hope you had an amazing Easter weekend.

    xx Lori

  8. I love your skirt! Can't wait to get my hands on something similar perhaps? You mentioned in the comment on my blog that you wanted to follow each other, I followed you via GFC. Please do so as well! xx
    Zoha xx

  9. Wow, love the pictures, you look so beautiful! :)

    xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/

  10. Awww gorgeous Oufit!
    Looks amazing!

    Greetings from Germany! :)


  11. Tiešām Čoti skaisti un sievišķīgi! :))
    (man gan joprojām grūti sev iestāstīt, ka mājās Latvijā ir tik silti, kamēr es te Somijā ar ziemas jaku :D)

    1. Paldies :)
      Jā, man arī grūti pierast,ka varu uzvilkt šortus un man nebūs auksti :D


Thanks for the comments. :)
