January Favorites 2016


January is over, it's crazy how fast this month flied away. It was like 2 weeks ago the year was started but now It's already February! As usual, I wanted to show you my favorite products which I used the most in January.

Janvāris ir paskrējis vēja spārniem, likās,ka tikai nedēļu atpakaļ ir iesācies gads,bet,boom,jau klāt februāris. Kā jau ierasts mēneša beigās atrādu Jums produktus,kuri man visvairāk patika janvārī.


from Douglas with almond ans sesame oil-  smells amazing,reminds me India :D Moisturizes very well,too\ smaržo vienkārši lieliski, aromāts atgādina Indiju :D Mitrina diezgan labi

from Stenders with blueberries- smells amazing too, I love the small packaging,very handy to throw in my bag. I use it everyday.\ arī sr lielisku aromātu. Man ļoti patīk kompaktais izmērs, nesāju to savā rokassomā un lietoju katru dienu.

HAIR SERUM from Multilukss- At first I thought that this is useless product, just another hair serum which smells good. But honestly, it made a difference to my hair. Naturally, I have frizzy and a little bit curly hair. After few weeks using it ( I used this product after washing my hair, when I straightened my hair and sometimes put it into my hair-ends when I went out somewhere) I noticed that my hair looks less frizzy and straight, like I was straightening my hair. Like whaaat? :D

Sākumā domāju,ka šis ir vēlviens matu serums kaslabi smaržo un viss. Bet,godīgi sakot, šis produkts tiešām uzlaboja manu matu stāvokli. Dabiski mani mati ir mazliet spuraini un viļņaini. Dažas nedēļas lietojot šo serumu ( pēc matu mazgāšanas,kad taisnoju matus un dažreiz vienkārši ieklāju to matu galos) es pamanīju,ka mati tiešām izskatās gludāki un taisni,it kā es tos būtu taisnojusi, kāaa? :D

 matte GOLDEN ROSE nail polishes from Drogas- Oh, I forgot them at home,that's why I can't name those shades. :(
I love the fact that they're matte and stays on my nails more than 2-3 days (usually on my nails,nailpolishes chips after 1 day). Also I like dark shades,perfect choice for the Winter season.

Oh,diemžēl nagulakas aizmirsu mājās un nevaru nosaukt to toņus. :(
Man ļoti patīk,ka nagulakas ir matētas, noturas uz maniem nagiem 2-3 dienas,jo parasti nagulakas nolūp no maniem nagiem pēc 1 dienas. Vēl man patīk tas,ka toņi ir tumši,perfekti piemēroti ziemas sezonai.

BUBBLE CHAIN from Mohito- When I saw it in the store, I fell in love, I add it to my purses and it's a great styling piece

Kad šo piekariņu ieraudzīju veikalā,man tas tā iepatikās,ka nedomājot to iegādājos. Pūkaino piekariņu pielieku pie jebkuras somas,ko nēsāju,manuprāt,lielisks aksesuārs.

matte LIPSTICK from AVON (berry blast)- You can notice that I'm obsessed with matte things :D I fell in love with this shade,very rich, dark berries color, I just love it. Wore multiply times and received so many compliments. Definitely I will purchase more shades from this matte lipstick collection.

Var mazliet pamanīt manu apsēstību ar matētām lietām :D Man ļoti iepatikās šis tonis- bagātīgs,tumšs ogu sarkanais. Kad esmu uzkrāsojusi šo lūpukrāsu saņemu komplimentus par lielisko toni. Noteikti iegādāšos vēl citus toņus no šīs matētās lūpukrāsu sērijas.

What's your opinion?

  1. Great favs loving the lipstick colour have a great day

  2. Just loved this photos :) super cool!


  3. so many great favorites.


  4. Lovely post your faves are amazing :)


  5. Great products, I love this post! Those Golden Rose nail polishes seem like really great ones and it would be nice to try that Stenders' blueberries hand cream, the packaging looks really beautiful! xx

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  6. Man looti patik visi sie bumbuli un citi somu piekarini. Tas ir briniskigi, ka atasti produkti kas ir favoritos, jo ipasi kad veikalos ir tik liels klasts visa ka.


  7. Lovely items! I've had one Douglas hand cream)

  8. absolutely enjoyed this post dear!

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  9. Adorable post!



Thanks for the comments. :)
