You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.

ombre nails


I'm sitting on my chair and listening playlist called- INSOMNIA. I called it like that because I can't normally fall asleep for a while now. I don't know how I even exist because I'm lack of sleep. :D
That's not that I don't have a time, I just can't sleep because I think about everything. I like to think,plan everything and about everything. Sad that I don't have a button- switch off thinking.
I fall asleep at 4am and wake up at 8am for a long time now. Also I work at night,so, again I don't sleep. Finally, I need to learn to not to think so much but you can listen to this playlist when you can't fall asleep- INSOMNIA

These pictures we took when the weather was very windy and snowy. My clothes were completely wet but what can you do,that's the usual February weather. I dream about Spring time when I every evening went to look at the sunset and took a photos,yes,with my phone but the most important was the process,to go to see the sunset. Also,I really miss warmer weather because all my cute Spring clothes are piled into closet and I can't wear them. Right now I wear black,white and grey colors...the weather with less colors so and I.

Sēžu uz krēsla un klausos soundcloud'ā izveidoto playlisti ar nosaukumu- INSOMNIA (bezmiegs). Tāds nosaukums,jo mani nomoka bezmiegs. Domāju,kā es vispār spēju normāli eksistēt tik maz guļot :D Pie vainas nav laika trūkums,bet vienkārši nespēja atslēgt prātu,nav man podziņas,kas varētu izslēgt domāšanu. Domāju un plānoju visu un par visu. Aizmiegu 4 un ceļos 8 un tā jau ļoti ilgu laiku,brīvdienās strādāju arī pa naktīm,tātad atkal neguļu. Beidzot jāiemācās nedomāt,bet tu vari paklausīties šo playlisti,kad arī tevi nomāc bezmiegs- INSOMNIA

Šo outfitu fotografējām stipra vēja un sniega laikā. Izmirku pilnīgi slapja,bet tāds nu tas februāris ir. Jau sen domās esmu pavasarī,kad katru vakaru gāju vērot un fotografēt saulrietu,jā,ar telefonu,bet galvenais jau ir iešanas un saulrieta ieraudzīšanas process. Pietrūkst man siltuma arī tāpēc,ka skaistās pavasara drēbes guļ dzili skapī. Pašlaik manā garderobē dominē melns,balts,pelēks...laikapstākļi "nekrāsaini" un arī es.

What's your opinion?

  1. What a Gorgeous look, I love The fur touch!

  2. Nice pictures. U have seriously nice hair. <3

  3. Really nice outfit and photos! :)


  4. Love the title and the photos are just wonderful!xx

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  5. Great outfit and love the pics

  6. I loved the title and you look gorgeous! x

  7. Great outfit!

  8. I love your style! <3 Perfect!


Thanks for the comments. :)
