When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.


Pēc lieliski pavadītām brīvdienām ar draugiem,esmu šeit ar jaunu bloga ierakstu. "Outfits" ir manā mīļākajā krāsu kombinācijā- melnbalts. Bet vēlējos pievērst uzmanību šai blūzei kuru saņēmu no kompānijas Romwe (liels paldies). Uzreiz kā blūzi piemērīju,man tā ļoti,ļoti iepatikās. Der perfekti un man ļoti patīk materiāls, kokvilna, patīkami ādai.
Ko Tu domā par šo blūzi? :)

After awesome weekend which I spend with my friends, I'm here with new outfitpost. It's in my favorite colors combination black&white. Let's talk about this blouse. It's so unique and fancy. When I received it from lovely company Romwe (thank you) I instantly fell in love with it. It fits me perfectly, also I love the fabric, it's heavy cotton , feels very nice when I touch it.
What do you think about this look? :)

I'm wearing:

blouse- Romwe
pants- H&M
shoes- Pēda
bag- Primark


What's your opinion?

  1. Blūzei tiešām ļoti interesants dizains! Noteikti lieliska alternatīva klasiskajai baltajai blūzei!
    Lieliskas bildes!


  2. Ljoti interesanta bluuze, tik neparasta!


  3. Such a cute shirt, love it!



Thanks for the comments. :)
