"Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself." | Smukcepures

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Ak,kā man patīk šī kleitas krāsa! Tik piesātināta, atgādina jūru un liek pēc tās ilgoties. Šī kleita man iepatikās,jo tā ir viegla auduma, ar interesantu dizainu (kabata, jaja) un man kā garai meitenei perfekta mini kleita, jo aizmugure ir garāka. Varu bez problēmām pieliekties, apsēsties un brīvi pārvietoties (garā auguma meitenes, noteikti mani saprot, kad 90% "mini kleitas" var vilkt kā krekliņus). Starpcitu, prieks,ka kleita radīta Latvijām,wuhū! :)

Agh, I love that dress color! It's so bright and reminds me the sea. I fell in love with this dress for a few reasons: it's made from lightweight fabric, with interesting design (yes,yes, that pocket) and also for me as tall girl it's perfect mini dress. I can easily sit, bend and walk around because the back of the dress is longer. I think tall girls know that struggle when all the "mini dresses" are so short and looks on like T-shirts. By the way, this dress is made in Latvia, whoop! :)

kleita un citas kleitas, cepures vari apskatīt šeit- Smukcepures
 dress,other dresses and hats you can see here- Smukcepures

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What's your opinion?

  1. Love the title of this post! And the color of this dress is amazing!



  2. Nice dress ;)

    My blog https://cakemonika.blogspot.com/ ;)

  3. great pWhat you think about follow each other? Follow me and I follow you :)
    Please, follow both accounts. I'll add you from two accounts )ost!


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