Lavender fields

ar Līgu/ with Līga

(dress- Zara, shoes- Reserved, bag- Fiorelli, watch- Daniel Wellington)

hello, blog readers!

Tā kā dzīvoju šim lavandas laukam diezgan tuvu, katru reizi braucot garām noteicu - Mums te kādreiz jāiebrauc, nu tiešām nākamnedēļ aizbrauksim, eu, mēs vēl neesam šeit bijuši utt.
Beidzot saņēmos un aizbraucu, šī dārza nosaukums ir Lillas Lavender.  Protams, dārza izmērs ir daudz mazāks nekā Francijas lavandas laukos, bet skats tāpat ļoti skaists.
Bildēs to nevar pamanīt, bet tajā dienā termometra stabiņš bija uzkāpis līdz pat 31 grādam un man kā karstuma nīdējai, fotografēšanās, nu, labi, pārvietošanās bija īsts izaicinājums. 
Kopumā biju ļoti priecīga, jo beidzot ieraudzīju lavandas dārzu savām acīm.


Finally, I had a chance to go and see in real life lavender field. Of course it's smaller than those one's in France but still looks gorgeous. 
You can't see in photos, but it was extremely hot weather, as you may know I hate. hot weather so it was so hard for me to just move around. But still I really enjoyed that day.

What's your opinion?

  1. I love looking at the lavender fields and by the way you look gorgeous on your outfit.

  2. You dress scream 70's to me.

  3. So beautiful and I love the contrast of colours between your dress and the field. So striking!

  4. I love the background and also your outfit. You look so beautiful in it.


Thanks for the comments. :)
