Beauty is in the heart of the beholder. H. G. Wells

 Sveiciens, jums, bloga lasītāji! :)
Tā nu mana pirmā skolas nedēļa ir vidū, ko lai, saka...pagaidām viss iet diez gan labi. Bet ko nu es te runāšu par skolu...
Šīs bildes ir no tās liktenīgās reizes,kad es zemē nometu fotoaparātu. Vismaz par laimi,ka varēju iegūt fotogrāfijas, lai iepostotu tās blogā.
Mans pēdējā laikā labākais pirkums ir šīs kurpes. Tik ērtas un man ļoti patīk dizains. Piestāv vairumam manu drēbju :)))

Hello, hello, my blog readers! :)
This is my first school week, so far, I like it..nut right here I don't want to talk about school :D
This photos we took when my camera wasn't broken, in this photo shoot, I dropped it. Luckily, I was able to upload these pictures and post them on my blog.
These shoes are my greatest buy in this month. They are pretty and very comfortable, and suits almost to all my clothes. :)))

What's your opinion?

  1. wow, your hair is so, so lovely and long! And the shoes are gorgeous :)
    Kisses <3

  2. Very nice look! Biggest compliments to your shoes, it's great that theya re not only stylish, but also comfortable!

    greetings from your neewest follower ;) Hope you'll follow me back.

    Egle - Makeup Demon
    Makeup Demon blog
    Makeup Demon Bloglovin

  3. I love your shoes!!!Thanx for your comment, I follo wyou in GFC and bloglovin, hope you will do the same!!:)

  4. I love how the accessories in your outfit really elevate the look. Great outfit!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  5. nice outfit ! love the shoes

  6. You are so cute! i love your blog. Im following you now on GFC if you want follow me back please! I'm the 500 follower congrats!!! :D


Thanks for the comments. :)
