I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches. Alice Roosevelt Longworth

I think I can name this post- Blurred lines because I borrowed mu mum's old camera, and pictures came a little bit blury, hate it. But finally, I got chance to show you my stripy pants. I just love them. Purple is one of my favourite colors, so I like them even more. :D
Lately, the weather in Latvia is very hot and sunny. I don't like it, because I'm Fall person, I want colored leaves and rain....Fall come faster :D

Man šķiet,ka šo postu vajadzēja nosaukt kkā līdzīgi dziesmai- Blurred lines. Aizņēmos no mammas fotoaparātu un rezultātā bildes sanāca mazliet miglainas, bet nu ko darīt. Vismaz beidzot radās iespēja jums parādīt manas strīpainās bikses. Man personīgi, ļoti patīk, un tā lillā krāsa, eh :))
Pēdējā laikā, Latvijā nav ne miņas no rudens, eh, esmu tomēr rudens mīle, gribu krāsainas lapas, lietainos vakaru...ruden, nekavējies vairs :D

What's your opinion?

Thanks for the comments. :)
