Me and Ball.

Čau! Nopirku jaunu basketbola bumbu. Man tā iepatikās bumbas spilgti oranžā krāsa,ka nolēmu ar to nofotografēties. Vienkārši iemīlējos tajā krāsā, aahh :D
Tātad kādā svētdienas pēcpusdienā ar māsu paņēmām riteņus un devāmies uz manu iemīļotāko vietu pilsētā. Laiks ārā bija diez gan padrūms, kā jau jūs zināt, mans mīļākais. (:
Fotografējoties abas ar māsu kārtīgi pārsmējāmies, mums gāja jautri :D Ceru,ka jums šīs bildes patiks tikpat ļoti,cik man. Šis "outfits" nav ikdienas apģērbs priekš manis, bet man patīk eksperimentēt :) 

Hello! Bought new basketball all and thought that I want to take a photos including this ball. That bright orange color is just adorable :D
So we rode with bikes to my favourite place it whole town to take some photos.  The weather was cloudy, as you may know, my favourite weather type. :)
I had so much fun to take these pictures, I hope that you will like them. This is a little bit unusual outfit for me, but I like to discover new styles and combinations.

What's your opinion?

  1. These pictures are fantastic - you're adorable! And that sweater is so cute!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose and Pretty Clothes

  2. You look great! I'm in love with your jumper.

    Still loving your blog. x

  3. Your pictures and your blog is so nice , i like it very much and you're looking so nice , maybe you would like to look at my blog and tell me in a comment how my blog ist :)
    A lot of Love for your Blog ,
    La Couture (

  4. I really lov e your blog. The second pic is so cute and you're beautiful!! I would love if you were able to check mine out. Just started it!

    xx gabi

  5. You're absolutely stunning in this outfit with the chucks!!!

  6. Very nice sport-look. Great day.

  7. Nice sweater : ))
    Lot's of love


Thanks for the comments. :)
