Last Ball at school 2013

We were designers and we needed to made costumes for Santa and Snowwhite. It was funny :D

Svvveiciens, lasītājiem!
Beidzot, šī supertrakā nedēļa ir beigusies, es varu brīvi uzelpot. :D
Kā jau jūs zināt, mums skolēniem ir sācies brīvlaiks un man ir daudz vairāk brīvā laika,
Šoreiz vēlējos parādīt bildes no skolas balles. Šī balle mums bija īpaša, jo esam 12tie un balle mums skolā notika pēdējo reizi.
Nākošajā dienā biju vēlvienā ballē, šoreiz balli rīkojām paši "Jauniešu domes" biedri. Tāpēc man bija aizņemta nedēļa, jo bija jāveic dažādi sagatavošānās darbi. Balle izdevās lieliski un mums visiem bija liels gandarījums par paveikto. Ballējāmies gandrīz līdz 6 no rīta. Traka un smieklīga nakts :D
Pašlaik esmu ļoti nogurusi,bet labā noskaņojumā, :)
Novēlu jums jauku nedēļu!))

Hello, folks!
Finally, this supercrazy week is over and I can breath again :D
I'm in school break and that means I have more free time.
At this time I wanted to show you pictures from school ball. I'm in 12th class and that means I graduate this year. This Ball was special for all of us. 
The next day I had another Ball with my lovely "colleges" from teenagers organization. So that's why I was very busy, I needed to do a lot of for this Ball. It was very funny and crazy night, we partied till 6am.
I'm really tired but happy because the Ball was great :)
Have a nice weekend.))

What's your opinion?

  1. Like I see you ha peeerfect time.

  2. lovely outfit and nice pictures!

  3. Your hair is gorgeous! Love the braid that you did :)

    Would appreciate if you checked out my blog


Thanks for the comments. :)
