Sveiciens, Tev (jā,jā tieši Tev :) )
Jau iepriekš atvainojos,ka nepostoju tik bieži kā iepriekš, vienkārši beidzot esmu atsākusi iet uz sporta zāli un man ir daaaudz mazāk brīvā laika. Ārā jau pāris nedēļas ir ziema ar sniegu, bet es turpinu postot bildes ar rudentiņu fonā, sorry par to arī :D Apsolu,ka turpmākie posti būs ar sniedziņu fonā
Tātad mazliet par to kā man iet. Nezinu kā to izskaidrot, bet pēdējā laikā esmu lieliskā noskaņojumā (laikam jūtu Ziemassvētku tuvošanos). Šo nedēļas nogali pavadīju ar ģimeni un puisi, vēl sanāca beidzot piedalīties vēstures olimpiādē. Jāa, daži uzdevumi bija ļoti sarežģīti un es domāju,ka kopumā nekas las tur nesanāca :D Galvenais, ka viss ir beidzot beidzies
Labiņi, man atkal jūs jāatstāj,jo došos kārtējo reizi uz sporta zāli :)) Līdz vēlākam
Hello, my lovely readers!
Sorry, that I post less posts than usual. I started to go to gym, so I almost don't have free time. Also in Latvia we have winter time but I keep posting outfits from Fall, Yes,yes, sorry about that too :D I promise that next week will be posts with snow :D
So about my life. I don't know why, but lately I'm in really good mood (maybe because Christmas is coming :D). So everything so far goes excellent :) This week-end I spent with my family and boyfriend, also I participate to histories contest, it was awful because some tasks were too difficult for me :D I guess it turned bad :D But I'm happy that it was finally over :D
So I need to go to another training, seeya :))
Very nice accessories :)
ReplyDeleteWe have a cold, white winter in Lithuania as well :)
Cool and chic, that's what it is. Love your necklace :)
ReplyDeleteKisses ♥
Great outfit. Love the accessories.
Love all the jewellry!)
Cute outfit!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my latest posts on Venoma's fashion diary and feel free to enter my latest Big Jollychic 100$ coupon giveaway! :)
XoXo Venoma
Beautiful photos! Love the accessories
you're super pretty, darling
wonderful post!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Alina
Project Germany
cool outfit for cold days!