Hi, there!
LV Varbūt jau pamanīji, ka šim blogam ir gan jauna adrese - anetelasmane.com, gan arī jauns dizains. Blogoju kopš 2012. gada augusta un iepriekšējo nosaukumu THE INVISIBLE BUTTERFLY izdomāju, kad biju 16 gadus veca. Toreiz nosaukuma pamatojums bija tāds, ka esmu kautrīga, bet ar lielu interesi par modi un kosmētiku, tāpēc jutos kā neredzamais tauriņš.
Ir pagājuši 6 gadi, tas ir daudz un daudz kas ir mainījies arī manā dzīvē. Es esmu mainījusies kā personība. Šovasar jutu, ka vairs sevi nevaru sasaistīt ar blogu, jutu, ka man tas sāk nepatikt, pazuda vēlme rakstīt jaunus ierakstus. Blogā vairāk kā mēnesi bija klusums...
Tomēr jutu vēlmi blogu atdzīvināt, esmu tā saaugusi ar domu, ka man jāvelta laiks blogam, automātiski esot kādā skaistā vietā pieķeru sevi pie domas, ka jānofotogrāfējas, lai būtu skaistas fotogrāfijas, ko publicēt.
Vairs negribēju slēpties aiz kāda izdomāta nosaukuma, vēlējos būt es pati, tāpēc tapa jauna bloga adrese ar manu vārdu un uzvārdu. Esmu tiešām atkal atguvusi prieku veidot blogu.
Paldies Tev, ka apmeklē šo vietni, man tiešām ir liels prieks, ka varu dalīties ar daļiņu no savas dzīves , domām un viedokļiem ar Tevi.
Zinu, ka daži manu blogu lasa jau no pašiem pirmsākumiem (wow, paldies!). Tiem, kuri to ir uzgājuši nesen vai nejauši, vēlējos parādīt pavisam nelielu sava stila evolūciju un to kas notika manā dzīvē (kaunu šoreiz metīšu pie malas) sākot ar 2012 gadu.
ENG Maybe you already noticed that this blog has new domain adress - anetelasmane.com and also new blog design.
I write a blog since 2012 August and previous name THE INVISIBLE BUTTERFLY I created when I was 16. I was very shy girl with huge interest in fashion and beauty. I felt like an invisble butterfly.
It's been 6 years, it's a long time period. I changed a lot as a person, my style changed and I started to loose my connection with blog. I didn't wanted to update it so I took more than a month brake.
But then I started to feel I want to blog again, I did it for 6 years. I was used to spend time creating posts, taking photos. Always when I'm in beautiful place I think it's perfect location to taka a photos for new blogpost.
I didn't wanted to hide from my readers with random blog name. I wanted to be myself so I created adress with my name and surname. Now I'm so excited to update this blog!
Thank you for reading my blog, it means a lot for me. It's an amazing feeling to share with you part of my life, my opinions and reviews.
I know some of you read my blog since the beginning (it's crazy!). And there are some people who discovered my blog recently so I decided to show you few photos with my style evolution and share some memories about each year since I started to blog.
2012//2013 gads - Atceros, kā izbalināju savus matu galus ar visvienkāršāko balinātāju. Man ļoti nepatika dabiskā matu krāsa- Latvijas pelēkais (joprojām liekas varentizls tonis). Vēl atceros, ka man ļoti patika staigāt augstpapēžu kurpēs, varēju mierīgi visu dienu nostaigāt 10cm augstos papēžos nesot smagās grāmatas. Man patika, ka esmu gara (177cm bez papēžiem).
2012//2013 year - I remember how I bleached my hair ends because i hated my natural shade. It's greybrown. I still think it looks awful. Also I remember I wore high heels a lot. I could walk all day with 10cm high heels carrying my heavy school bag. I really enjoyed that I'm tall (177cm is my height).
2014 gads - Šo laiku atceros ar smaidu, jo tiešām jutos lieliski. Tā gada vasarā man sanāca aizbraukt uz Francijas dienvidiem, Berlīni un vēl paspēju pirmo reizi pabūt Palangā. Vēl šo laiku es atceros, ka ļoti nokritos svarā. Tas saistīts ar to, ka gatavojos eksāmenam, lai iegūtu autovadītāju apliecību un vēl vidusskolas gala eksāmeniem. Autovadītāja apliecības iegūšana man tiešām prasīja ļoti daudz nervu, es nezinu kāpēc tik ļoti par to stresoju. Varbūt tāpēc, ka man bija mērķis visu nokārtot ar pirmo reizi, savādāk tas vairs nebūtu nekāds panākums.
2014 year - I remember this time with smile because I really enjoyed that time. I managed to travel to France, Germany and Lithuania (Palanga) for the first time. I also lost some weight because I was preparing for my driving licence exams and my high-school exams. It was really stressful time maybe because I wanted to pass my driving exams and theory with first time. ( I did it.)
2015 gads - Big changes. I started to study at the University, started to work at the nighclub, run a lot and was very active on my blog. I was really busy. I remember at Friday's evening I jumped into train to go to work. I was so busy that I started to sleep less because I thought over and over again how to manage everything. But from this life period I learned discipline, hard-working and how to manage and plan my time.
2016 gads - šajā gadā jau biju iemācījusies visu apvienot, iejutusies studijās, atradusi jaunus draugus un tiešām izbaudīju studentes dzīvi uz visiem 100% Atceros, ka daudz skrēju, varēju mierīgi katru dienu noskriet 10km bez piepūles.
2016 gads - I learned how to manage everything, felt very comfortable with my studies, made a new friends and really enjoyed student life. Also I ran a lot, I could run 10km every day in chill mode.
2017 gads - Kā jau var manīt, mazliet paeksperimentēju ar matiem. Šis man ir rozā matu periods, kad ļoti komfortabli jutos ar rozā matu toni. Šajā gadā jau ar vienu kāju dzīvoju Cēsīs un šis laiks man saistās ar mūžigo braukāšana Cēsis - Jēkabpils - Daugavpils.
2017 gads - As you can see I had few experiments with my hair. This is my pink hair life period because I felt very comfortable with this shade. Also I started to live in different city so this year reminds me a lot of driving from my hometown, University and current place where I live.
the second to last outfit is totally nice
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New post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2018/10/how-to-wear-oversized-or-boyfriend.html