Flower in my hair.

 Sveiciens, šajā svētdienas vakarā!
Tā nu ir sanācis, ka esmu saķērusi nelielas iesnas un nejūtos īpaši labi, bet tas man netraucē iepostot savu jaunāko "outfitu". Šīs melnās bikses nopirku "second-hand" veikaliņā par 1,40Ls. Vienmēr esmu izvairījusies pirkt šāda veida bikses, jo šis bikšu modelis nglaimo manam figūras tipam. Šoreiz ieraugot bikses+ par tik lētu cenu, nolēmu riskēt un iegādāties tās. Rezultātā neesmu vīlusies, jo apvienojumā ar augstpapēžu kurpēm, vai melnas krāsas gariem zābakiem, izskatās pat pieņemami :D
Zaļā tunika mani apbur ar savu lielisko krāsu.

Hello, in this lovely Sunday's evening!
Well, I can say one thing. I get cold so easily. Yes, again I'm sneezing and feeling a little bit "shity". But that's not reason to stop posting on my blog. I wanted to share with you folks, my latest outfit look.
I bought these pants in my local 2nd hand shop for only 1,40Ls (almost 2euros). I always was a little bit scared to buy this type of pants, because the model doesn't suits for my body type. But when i saw these pants+ they were very cheap, I risked and bought them. I wasn't wrong. I fell in love with these pants. I think, with high heels or black boots these pants looks good on me.

Robis gribēja spēlēties ar mani. :D
 My doggy Robis wanted to play with me :D

(Shoes-Sepalla; Pants,blazer-2nd hand, blouse- Anttila;ring- Ebay;)

What's your opinion?

  1. Love your blouse, I like this color.

    International Giveaway: http://myurbanmarket.blogspot.it

  2. I think those pants look absolutely wonderful on you! I love the colour of that blouse as well.

  3. Izskaties ļoti labi! Man patīk, kā viss kopā izskatās:)

  4. Hey! I just found your blog by chance and I have to say that I really love your outfits! So I'm following you right now on GFC, hope you to do the same!


  5. es apbrīnoju tādus cilvēkus kā tevi,kas no visādiem socond hand veikaliņiem,ebaya un arī masu tirdzniecības veikaliem var sakombinēt tik foršu outfitus. ^^ burrrvīgi. :)

  6. The flower in your hair is so so pretty and your dog is adorable :)

  7. you sort oflook like Lana Del Ray!


  8. extra blog; good look !

    follow me:

  9. hey, nice blog and style!! kisses from pepa :)


Thanks for the comments. :)
