For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. Bo Bennett

 Sveiki, mani jaukie bloga lasītāji! :)
Īstenībā neko jaunu jums nevaru pastāstīt. Skolā iet kā parasti, šīs brīvdienas pavadīju jaukā kompānijā ar dauudz, daudz filmām. Noskatījos veco labo filmu "LoL". Nezinu kāpēc, bet šo filmu varu skatīties n-tās reizes. 
Beidzot laiciņš ir siltāks un  domāju, ka jau varu sākt atjaunot savu garderobi ar svārkiem. Tomēr mazliet pārsteidzos un rezultātā esmu uz sevis ļoti dusmīga,jo apsaldēju muguru. Tagad kādu laiciņu staigāšu ar ziemas vējjaku un gariem vilnas džemperiem ;(

Hi, my lovely and sweet blog readers! :)
Actually, I don't have some news. School is boring as most of the time, this week-end I spent in lovely company with a looooot of movies. Watched old film "Lol". I don't know why but this film I can watch again and again.
Finally the weather is warmer and I thought that I could start to wore skirts. Unfortunately, I "hasted" a little bit and in result I "freezed" my back and now it hurts pretty bad. I'm really angry to myself. So now for a while I must to wore winter jackets and long wool jumpers :(

What's your opinion?

  1. This look is absolutely perfect!
    Cool blog! Following you on Bloglovin! Hope you'll follow me back!


  2. Iv been reading through all your blog, its amazing, and so is your style! you have a new follower!! xx pop over if you get a chance :) xx

  3. The bow, the floral, the jacket.. too cute! :)
    xoxo Aimee

  4. Oh my god your hair looks TOO cute like that!

  5. Man patīk tā bantīte pie krādziņa, izskatās ļoti mīlīgi! :)

  6. Beautiful outfit!! Love your hair! <3


  7. What a nice outfit, you look great!



Thanks for the comments. :)
