Hope is a waking dream. Aristotle (Part I)

Sveiks, blog! Īstenībā diez gan  daudz notikumu ir mani skāruši šīs pēdējās dienas. Esmu aizņemta ar skolu, jo tuvojas eksāmens, kuram man beidzot vajadzētu sākt gatavoties un zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs, noslēdzu tautu deju sezonu ar pēdējo koncertu, ar riteni aizbraucu uz laukiem un atpakaļ, kopumā, apmēram, 25km, man uzbruka 3 suņi un sakoda, saplēsa manas mīļākās bikses (jā, tas bija nervu šoks), veicu dažādus dārza darbus un šodien pārkārtoju savu istabu :) Lūk tā.
Šīs bildes fotografējām blakus Daugavai, kad saulīte jauki cepināja, gaidiet bilžu 2. daļu, jo sanāca diez gan daudz bilžu,kuras vēlos jums parādīt :))

Hello blog! Actually, I have had a lot of events these past days. I'm busy with school because my exam is coming (I need to start to learn smth ;\) and my project work about business, I ended my folk dance season with last concert, rode with my bike to the country side and back, about 25km, I had 3 dog attack, they bite me and torn my favourite pants ( yes, it was very scary), also I did a lot of work in my garden and also today I rearranged my room :) so here I am :)
These pictures we took near to the river Daugava, when sun warmed us, so stay tuned for part II because we took a lot of photos which I want to show you :))

What's your opinion?

  1. like this look! YEAH! You look sooo lovely girl!

    want to visit my blog? :)


  2. great photoshoot! i love your t-shirt!

    ANECIA WAS HERE- more than passion ♥
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  3. Such a nice place and the sunnies is really cool :)


  4. Perfect pics and you look great. I like that hair style and your lace top. Have a nice day.


  5. noteikti bija pamatiigs shoks no sunju uzbrukuma..:( gan jau tu driiz atradiisi kaadas citas favourite bikses... loti patiik shis outfits, mezgiines un melns+ forsha kombinaacija... man arii skiet, ka tu esi radiita prieks headband :) tev lieliski piestaav!


Thanks for the comments. :)
