January favorites 2017


Neticami,bet šī gada pirmais mēnesis ir noslēdzies! Kā jau ierasts vēlos Tev parādīt savus janvāra iemīļotākos produktus,kurus lietoju visbiežāk. Tas sanāca neplānoti,bet 4 no 5 ir lūpu produkti. 

It's unbelievable but January is over. As usual, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite products which I used the most in month of January. It wasn't planned but 4 from 5 are lip products.

AVON matt lipstick "perfectly nude"

Par šīs kolekcijas lūpukrāsu jau runāju iepriekš, šoreiz vēlos pieminēt gaišo miesas toni. Šis manai sejas ādas krāsai atbilst lieliski un nepadara manu makeup līdzīgu "mironim" :D. Šīis tonis piestāvēs vidējam ādas tonim. Konsistence ir krēmīga un nesausina lūpas.
Vari apskatīt šeit kā lūpukrāsa izskatās.

About this lipstick I wrote before and this time I wanted to introduce you with this perfectly nude shade. This one is amazing because when I apply it I doesn't look like I'm dead (you know what I mean :D ). This lipstick shade is suitable for medium skin shades. I love that this lipstick is creamy consistency and doesn't dry out your lips.
Click here to see how it looks like.

Rimmel lip balm "01 clear" (iegādājos šeit)

Šis lūpu balzams ir bez garšas un aromāta. Lūpām piešķir caurspīdīgu spīdumu. Šis noteikti nav produkts kas uzlabos sasprēgājušu lūpu stāvokli,bet manas simpātijas ieguva vieglā spīduma dēļ. Lieliski piemērots siltākajiem gada mēnešiem.

This lip balm is without taste and smell. It gives very beautiful and natural shine to lips. This product won't help to very chapped lips. It's more like "warm seasons product" it just gives beautiful shine.

Huda beauty lip contour pencil "trendsetter"

Šis produkts tiešām mani pārsteidza ar kvalitāti. Tas ir neierasti smags, ļoti pigmentēts un  viegli klājas. Tonis gan mazliet neatbilst cerētajam. Vēlējos izteikti "nude",bet šis ir mazliet oranžs. 
Šeit vari redzēt kā tas izskatās uz manām lūpām

This product surprised me with great quality. It's unusual heavy, very pigmented and easy to apply on. Unfortunately shade isn't matching. I ordered more like nude shade but received a little bit orange. But I still love it.
Here you can see how it looks on my lips.

Essence matt lipgloss "03 girl of today"

Patīkama krēmīga konsistence,nesausina lūpas. Man ļoti patīk bagātīgais ogu tonis. Tiešām lielisks lūpu spīdums. Vienīgais tam ir diezgan specifiski salds aromāts.

Pleasant creamy consistence, doesn't dry out your lips. I really love that rich berry shade. I can say for sure that this product is great. Only thing, it has very sweet scent.

Oriflame Giordani gold mascara

Šis produkts ir mans favorīts,jo uzklājot tas nesalipina skropstas,bet gan atdala un padara apjomīgas. Lieliska birstīte kas aizsniedz arī pašas mazākās skropstas. Liels pluss,ka skropstu tuša nenobirst no skropstām.

This mascara I love because it gives my lashes volume and they still look natural. Also it doesn't dry out and fall under my eyes. One of my favorite mascaras.

shades from the left/toņi- no kreisās: 

Essence matt lipgloss "03 girl of today"
AVON matt lipstick "perfectly nude"
Huda beauty lip contour pencil "trendsetter"
Rimmel lip balm "01 clear"

Don't be a stranger:

What's your opinion?

  1. very nice products! thanks for sharing such a detailed review!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. would you like to follow each other?

  2. I have this lipstick Essence 03 girl today, I love it!

  3. those lipstick colors are beautiful! :)
    i'm following you already <3


  4. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog. Follow you :)
    Have a nice week,

  5. Love the dark pink color. I can so see why its your favorite.


  6. I really like lip pencils ;) This one's color looks great ;)

    Thank you for your visit and a comment and of course I invite you to come back again ;)
    Ive just started to follow you on GFC and i wait for you to follow back ;)


  7. The pale one is so cool!



  8. Great items:)
    Have a lovely day!


  9. I need the huda beauty lip contouring pencil, but you can't buy it here in germany.

    xo. tthuy | RubyliXious

  10. I also love your blog and of course I follow ;)

  11. Nice post,dear!i love your blog. <33

    Would you like to follow each other via GFC? I followed you, I hope you will follow back.

    My blog -------------------> anastasjastyles.blogspot.ba
    My Instagram : milic.anja

  12. Lovely products and you have a great blog

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?
    Please let me know on my blog and I will follow back as soon as possible!

    Have a lovely day!
    Sabine - lilyfields.de

  13. i love the lip gloss.
    anyway, thanks for your comment over my blog, and yes,,, i do love following each other, so i followed you. just follow me back. thanks :)


  14. I want to try Avon lipsticks so hard, they are gorgeous *.*
    An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook

  15. Olá, retribuindo a visita e seguindo seu blog.
    Boa noite!
    Beijos 😘
    Minhas Inspirações por Sara Menezes

  16. Nice post, I love the shades of your lipsticks :)

    I am following you via GFC, Bloglovin and G+.
    Follow back?

    Walking Freckle

  17. Hello dear,
    fantastic post!
    Thank you for your comment, of course I'd like to follow each other!
    I'm following you on GFC(#1021 'Susannah Stark') and on bloglovin (#296). Please follow back!

  18. Lovely products ^^ I'd love to try that Essence lipgloss
    I follow you as you suggested, so please follow me back <3 :)


  19. Just wonderful products. I love it.
    I just follow the blog, follow back?

  20. Nice choices! Beautiful shades!


  21. What a nice post with such lovely products, When I was in college I used a lot the Oriflame products, very good products, I am sorry I don't have the possibility of buying them any more.
    You have a very nice blog and I am following you on GFC if you still want to follow me back it would be a pleasure for me.
    Flo from

  22. Hi thanks for the comment... I am following you!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC FB Twitter G+ and Instagram?
    ✿⊰✽⊱✿ That's Amore Blog ✿⊰✽⊱✿
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  23. Hi Anete, thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment. Yes I would like us to follow each other, I have already started following you on GFC (#1029), so here's my blog as well.


    How about we also follow each other on the other social media. I just started following you on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Google Plus, so here are my pages as well.

    Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/victoria.west.toronto/

    Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/WriterVictoriaWest/

    Pinterest, https://de.pinterest.com/victoria_west_2/

    Google Plus, https://plus.google.com/u/0/+VictoriaWestToronto

    Hope to see you back soon!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  24. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Sure we can follow each other.
    I Follow you on GFC, I hope you'll follow back.

    Have a lovely day!
    Sabine - lilyfields.de


Thanks for the comments. :)
