"Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live."

(coat- Rosegal; jeans, bag- Zara; sunnies- Newchic; watch- Daniel Wellington)

Hello, blog!

Atradu māju,kuras sienu krāsa saskaņojas ar manu mēteli.  Vispār sen gribēju debesu zilu mēteli, un šo brīnumu atradu Rosegal. Vienīgais mīnuss,ka rokas īsas, man tā ir ar 90% mēteļu, tad nu varu nēsāt savus 101 džemperus ar augsto apkakli.
Mēteli saskaņoju ar savu mīļāko somiņu,kuru nēsāju nepārtraukti visu vasaru un vēl arī rudeni.

Ko sadarīju pagājušajā nedēļā:

  • apmeklēju Rīgas modes nedēļu, to darīju pirmo reizi tāpēc jutos excited. Iedvesmojos no apkārt esošajiem cilvēkiem un modes skatēm. 
  • biju baseinā, ziniet ko, es tiešām neticēju,ka peldēt ir tik grūti, nopeldēju 350m un izkāpjot no baseina, domāju,ka nepaiešu :D Nezinu, varbūt nepareizi peldu vai vienkārši esmu smaga :D
  • noskrēju 5km un sasaldēju kaklu
  • brīvdienas pavadīju bez datora (planšete, telefons neskaitās), jo tas tiešām ir sasniegums, pāris dienas neieslēgt datoru,jo pie tā pavadu daudz un garas stundas.

Found a wall which matches to my new coat. Honestly, for a really long time I wanted sky blue coat and this lovely piece I found at Rosegal. Unfortunately it has short sleeves so I need to wear neutral jumpers with it. Luckily I have a lot of them.
I paired this coat with my favorite purse which I wear non-stoply all Summer and Fall too.

What's your opinion?

  1. I absolutely love that quote. It is so true! And I really love your jacket as well...the colour is fabulous!

  2. I love your all of your photos especially your sky blue jacket! Nice post.

  3. Gorgeous outfit, I love your blue coat :)



  4. Wow. I love your outfit. So love your sky blue jacket!

  5. That's so cool that you found a wall that matches your coat! It's really pretty :)


  6. You jacket looks amazing! I love it. Great post, dear.

  7. Great photos! This is such a beautiful outfit you got here, Anete!

  8. I love your outfit. If you may, can I get the name of the brand of your eye wear? Thanks! Great post.

  9. Great outfit. I really love it! Great post, dear. Thank you for sharing. Love Modelling Agency

  10. Such a lovely outfit. I really love your coat, so perfect!

  11. Great outfit.Nice winter jacket and the color.Perfect!


Thanks for the comments. :)
