Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare

 Sveiki!  Šodien esmu enerģijas pilna. Pat pēc nogurdinošas dienas skolā, intensīva deju mēģinājuma nejūtu nekādas noguruma pazīmes. Laikam zinu, kāpēc jūtos labāk. Jau kādu laiku esmu atsākusi skriet un manam organismam katastrofāli trūka olbaltumvielu, rezultātā jutu muskuļu sāpes, nogurumu un biju īgna. :D tagad dzeru sojas pienu un ēdu uzkodas (auzu pārslas apceptas ar olām) kas sanāk kā olbaltumvielu bumba un esmu kompensējusi deficītu. 
Vienīgais kas mazliet piebremzē mani ir sāpošā roka, kuru savainoju spēlējot basketbolu. Jāpiemin, ka ļoti ilgu laiku es basketbolu spēlēju ar puišiem,tādējādi es sevi piespiežu darīt vairāk un jūtu arī izaugsmi. Bet es jau te novirzos no tēmas....:p
Šo "outfitu" vilku, kā jau ierasts uz skolu. Zābakus jau noteikti esat manījuši, jo velku tos non-stopā :D Tiiiik ērti :)

Hello! Today I'm full with energy. Even after long day at school, dances ,I' cheerful. I know why, because few weeks ago I started to run again and my organism had catastrophic lack of protein. I had  muscle pain, tiredness and I was grumpy. so now I drink soy milk and eat baked oats with eggs (so delicious) so in result I got normal protein level in my organism. That's why I'm in good mood. :)
So only one thing stops me from activities. My arm which hurts. I injured it when I played basketball.  Also I wanted to mention that I play basketball with boys. So in this way I can push myself to do more and get skill in basketball. And I really fell that I can play basketball more successfull that earlier. So I started to babble. Let's talk about my outfit.
So this look I wore, as usual, to school . These boots you probably already seen before because I wear them almost every day.

What's your opinion?

  1. I love your new hair,love dip dye,sorry it probably isnt new,I just havent stopped by in a little while,good to see you and your blog are doing well.Love this look,really cool and edgey.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment,hope your having a wonderful day x

  2. The necklace is pretty. I like this outfit.


  3. Cool pictures, looking beautiful!

  4. I love burgund with black and it certainly matches to you :)

    Amazing necklace <3

  5. Thanks for your comment, you are so pretty ! I'd love us to follow each other, following on GFC and Bloglovin and waiting for you :) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook
    You're invited to enter Shabana Khan Jewelry giveaway: win an item of choice among 3 different ones, open worldwide until March 6th !

  6. Could you get any more gorgeous and stylish!!! <3 You're soo pretty!

    Nyt from BIG hair LOUD mouth

  7. gorgeous look and pictures!! loove your hair! would you like to follow each other on GFC, facebook and bloglovin?? let me know dear:)) happy week!


  8. your hair looks so cool. thanks for the comment! x

  9. Obsessed with your necklace. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'm sharing my surprise gift from Lauren Conrad on my blog today as well as a giveaway. I'd love if you'd swing by. xo

  10. pretty necklace, dear

    love, Yulia

  11. Lovely Post :)


  12. Olbaltumvielu deficītu var arī izlabot ar biezpienu un citiem piena produktiem. :)

  13. So cute <3


Thanks for the comments. :)
